End of the World Election Day Itinerary

Tomorrow, 7 September 2013, is election day.

I fear there is no way this day shall end in joy.

Nevertheless, I have a full and rewarding day planned to counteract this nationwide pain and its effects on my own small shell and self within (sorry – might be going a bit overboard. But my assessment remains unchanged: there is no one to vote for).

Here is the day’s plan:

Early morning: vote

Morning: attend a seminar on the ever-rising power of YA fiction at the Brisbane Writers Festival

Late Morning: behave like a true loser writer and hang out at some cafe filling in my notebooks and gorging on hot chips and coke

Early afternoon: attend a seminar on how to get an agent in Australia at the Brisbane Writers Festival

Mid afternoon: attend a seminar on the painful yet wondrous process of an author’s book being made into a film at the Brisbane Writers Festival

Late afternoon: meet sister Frannie and obtain pancakes

Evening: attend an election party with sister Frannie and her marvelous Marxist Monday comrades-in-arms

Night: crash as early as possible in light of an all-day choir practice on Sunday

For bonus points: hand out business cards with free coupon codes for The Chosen Voice and Under the Bright Water penciled on the backs (FF46D and WZ84F, respectively, if you haven’t had a look and would like to grab them for free at Smashwords.com … I can never stop spruiking …)

Even if it’s not the end of the world, this is probably the end of any good reputation Australia might have had in the world.  It will be the end of true humanity and compassion, the end of hope for true equality and the beginning of what shall no doubt be chronicled and become a bestseller in a not so far off dystopian future under the title Australia – The Selfish Nation.

Hopefully I will have happily settled in the Faroe Islands before things go too far.

2 thoughts on “End of the World Election Day Itinerary

  1. Hi Beth! What a great post! I so totally agree with every word you have said! And I am very, very jealous of you, being able to go to the Brisbane Writers Festival!!!! Maybe next year….Enjoy the Festival!

    • The festival was really good 🙂 Maybe we can both go next year; would be fun. Will have to book tickets early to make sure to get to all the seminars we really want, though.

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